In the Spring of 2018, I spent three months on Cousins Island off the coast of Yarmouth ME as the KISMET Foundation Artist-in-Residence. Yarmouth Time reflects my impressions during this period of being surrounded by intense weather, nature, and beauty.
After an introductory “sunrise,” I capture my experience of two nor’easters with stormy gusts of wind and snow, leaping waves, swaying trees, and shifting gales. As the winds swirl away into calmness, a song arises as a nod to the warm hearts of the people of Yarmouth, echoing their welcoming town motto “Our Latchstring Always Out.” Seabirds, gulls, and ospreys add their own commentary.
Then, I tapped into the feel and enjoyment of walking the local trails, moving through nature, and taking in the scenery, bird calls, fresh air, and vibrant colors. Just before setting off on this walkabout, however, I inserted a sound from the Casco Bay seascape which was new to me — a lobster boat motor.
The work concludes with a sound-portrait of the frequently seen yet ever awe-inspiring pinkhued sunset over the eastern coastline.

"Yarmouth Time"
Ensemble: Trio Casals

"Yarmouth Time"
Ensemble: Trio Casals